Custodes Logo

C o m p u t e r . S e c u r i t y . a n d . P r i v a c y

Learn about computer security and privacy issues. External Web sites and news groups.

O p e n . S o u r c e . S o f t w a re

Software that has good karma. Free software; Get the source code and modify/compile it yourself or grab an installer.

F i t s . O n . A . F l o p p y

Software that does exactly what it says on the tin. Tiny applications that fit on, and run from, a floppy.

O t h e r . S o f t w a r e - S h a r e w a r e / F r e e w a r e.

Not open source but free and well worth a look.

A l t e r n a t i v e . N e w s . S o u r c e s

News from an alternative viewpoint. News you won't see elsewhere.

R e a d m e

Privacy, security and political articles for your pleasure. Interesting items on oil, spooks, oil, politics, war, security, oil, computers, war, privacy, corruption, war and did we mention oil and war? Mostly from mainstream news sources.

20th March 2003 - Please note: Much of the items here will be war related for the foreseeable future but do not expect reports to be accurate due to the censorship of Western media and threats made to journalists.

14th April 2003 - Please note: The news section will offline for the time being.

B a n d s

Fill your ears. Music from decent bands.

D o w n l o a d s

Hand-made by local craftsman. Feel free to steal and use. Download photographs, wallpaper, music, splash screens, memorable quotes and bon mots for your sigs.

P r o j e c t s

Currently there is only one project. There may be more. Or not. Who knows? Who cares?

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